This is a collection my favorite work form a Global Online Academy (GOA) course on graphic design I completed in early December 2019. For our capstone project, we were tasked with choosing a UN Sustainability Goal and finding a solution through graphic design. I chose Goal 14: Life Below Water which focuses on protecting and helping to sustain marine environments and combat ocean pollution. For my solution, I wanted to create a few posters which displayed impressive statistics but I also wanted to provide a way for viewers to actually help with these problems. So, I created a website and did research as to how people, specifically in the Seattle area (but also worldwide), could contribute. 
Check it out here:​​​​​​​
And you can explore my research, notes, and sketches here:
Within the course, I explored many other skills related to graphic design such as layout, hierarchy, color choice, and using the golden ratio. Here's some more posters I created. 
Poster for the Bauhaus Design school in Germany
Poster for the Bauhaus Design school in Germany
Poster for Khalid's Free Spirit Tour
Poster for Khalid's Free Spirit Tour
We also explored ways to create logos and branding. For this project, I made up a company called HUSK which creates biking gear.
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